I have blogged about Twitter before for my public relations class and here I am again to rant and rave about my experience with the lovely networking site. When I first started using Twitter I wasn’t too sure if I liked it or not. Now, I can honestly say I love it! Twitter is an amazing way to network and get the public relations world to see my name and my views. I’m learning new things everyday with the site. Yesterday I just found an app for my phone, Twitterberry. I had no idea that Twitter had applications and it really surprised me. Also, I was surprised to find so many public relations and marketing professionals on the site. My semester experience with Twitter has shown me the power of the site. My class had an assignment to interview a public relations professional. Do you want to know how I searched for my professional? Yes, Twitter! I interviewed with Aerial M. Ellis, who is a PR consultant for Urbane Imagery. CounclilPRFirms, AerialEllis, and AnthonyEmbryPR are three professionals I recommend people to follow. The Council of PR Firms tweet job opportunities and Anthony Embry responds to a lot of PR related questions. So all in all I have been using Twitter since our first assignment and my opinion of it has drastically changed.  I was excited when I first used twitter and a few weeks later that was all I heard on TV, in the news, and in conversations around campus. Twitter has been an amazing experience and I have only been active on it for a few months. I wonder what the site would do for me in the future, because it has already done a lot so far. I think the site should be mandatory for all future and current professionals. Sign on to Twitter and follow me!